Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7TF (2024)

Beckett Street is in Leeds and in Bradford district.LS9 7TF is located in the Gipton & Harehills electoral ward, within the EnglishParliamentary constituency of Leeds East. This postcode has been in usesince 1980-01-01.
StreetScan combines information about Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7TF and displays a report on thequality oflife in this place and its surroundings.

Nearby postcodes are: LS9 7UF, LS9 7UG, LS9 7UE, LS9 7UH, LS9 7UA, LS9 7AA, LS9 7UJ, LS9 7UQ, LS8 5NZ.

Beckett Street Report

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    Average Price: £148,735

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Property Prices

Average property prices on Beckett Street are basedon 6 property sales since the beginning of 1995. Estimated property prices are calculated by adjusting the last sale price by current House PriceIndex for Bradford.
StreetScan downloads house price data directly from the HM Land Registry and uses it tocreate these statistics.

Estimated Average Property Prices for LS9 7TF

Estimated Average Property Prices for Beckett Street

Average Price

no sales

no sales

no sales

no sales

no sales

Property Prices Comparison

Latest PropertySales on Beckett Street

AddressSale PriceSale DatePrice Estimate 2023
The Clinical Science Building Block 8 St James'S Hospital Beckett Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire
Other, an established residential building



In the UK, the overall gender distribution is approximately 49% male and 51% female.However, the area surrounding LS9 7TF is primarily male, with 57.3% of the population being male. Several factors can contribute to this, including areas with industries or sectors that predominantly employ men, proximity to universities or technical schools with a higher enrollment of male students, presence of all-male or predominantly male institutions (military academies, boarding schools).


Partnership Status

Across the UK, the average relationship status breakdown is roughly 45% married, 38% single, 9%divorced, 6% widowed, and 2% separated.In the immediate area around LS9 7TF there is no notable difference from the UK's average statistics.

Married: Opposite sex12243.6%


Across the UK, the average 47.1% rated their health as Very Good, 34% as Good, 13.3% as Fair,4.3% as Bad, and 1.3% as Very Bad.

Population age significantly impacts residents' health. Additionally, socioeconomic status playsa crucial role: higher income levels and lower poverty rates are linked to better healthoutcomes. Affluent areas benefit from higher living standards, access to private healthcare, andhealthier lifestyle choices.

Very good health27261.4%
Good health10323.3%
Fair health4810.8%
Bad health132.9%
Very bad health71.6%

Education and Qualifications

During the 2021 census, the educational qualifications of residents across the UK were asfollows: 18.3% had no qualifications, 9.5% had 1-4 GCSEs, 13.4% had 5 or more GCSEs and 1-2 A/ASLevels, 16.9% had 2 or more A Levels, 33.7% held a degree (or equivalent), and 5.4% hadcompleted an apprenticeship.

In the area around LS9 7TF this area, 33.8% of residents have no qualifications. This is significantly higher than the UK average of 18%.This area stands out for its low percentage of residents with higher education degree. The UK average is 33.7%, while in this area it is 18%.

No qualifications9433.8%
1-4 GCSEs or Equivalent 5319.1%
5 or more GCSEs, an A-Level or 1-2 AS Levels248.6%
HNC, HND or 2+ A Levels3211.5%
Degree or Similar5018%


Ethnic Group

In this area, the population is more ethnically diverse compared to the UK average. While 12.1% of the residents identify as white, which is lower than the UK average of 82.2%, there are significant representations of other ethnic groups.

Other Asian296.6%
Black African23854.3%
Other Black102.3%
Mixed White and African71.6%
Mixed Other20.5%

Country of Birth

In this area, just 46.4% of residents were born in the United Kingdom, meaning that the majority of residents originate from outside the UK.

United Kingdom20546.4%
European Union132.9%
Rest of Europe10.2%
Middle East and Asia6514.7%

Length of Residence

In this area majority of residents originate from outside the UK. Only 46.4% of residents were born in the United Kingdom. 29.9% of residents have lived in the UK for 10 years or more.

Born in the UK20546.5%
10+ Years13229.9%
5-10 Years7116.1%
2-5 Years255.7%
Less than 2 years81.8%

Passport Held

United Kingdom27462.1%
Other EU countries184.1%
Other Europe10.2%
North Africa40.9%
Central and Western Africa132.9%
South and Eastern Africa61.4%
Middle East40.9%
Southern Asia10.2%
South-East Asia30.7%
No passport held10323.4%


No religion245.4%
Other religion20.5%
Not answered163.6%


Is Beckett Street dangerous?

In 2023, 1841 crimes were reportednear Beckett Street .Only 3% of streets in the UK are more dangerous.This street can be considered very dangerous.The most common type of crime wasviolence and sexual offences. Crime rate was measured within a 0.5 mile radius of LS9 7TF.

Crime statistics are based on data provided by Home Office through under theOpen Government Licence.

More Crime Statistics for Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7TF


LS9 7TF area has a very high level ofentrepreneurship. Only 6% of streets have higher percent of entrepreneurresidents. 17%of population in this area is self-employed, while the average in the UK is 9.7%. Highnumber of entrepreneurs usually leads to relatively high economic growth, higher paid jobsand better quality of life in the area.

LS9 7TF area has a high unemployment rate. According to Census2021, 9%residents of this area were unemployed, while the average in the UK was 4.83%. High levels ofunemployment lead to more frequent crime and reduce the quality of life in this area.

Economic Activity

Full-Time Employee50
Looking after home or family41
Part-Time Employee41
Student (economically inactive)18
Long-Term Sick or disabled18
Full-Time Student (with or without job)9

Employment Industry

Administrative and support service activities24
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles18
Human health and social work activities16
Accommodation and food service activities14
Transport and storage9
Real estate activities4
Financial and insurance activities3
Professional, scientific and technical activities3
Information and communication2
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security2
Agriculture, forestry and fishing1



Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
Shakespeare Primary School
Lincoln Road, LS9 7NP
3out of 4410 ydCommunity schoolYesMixedMore About School
Co-op Academy Nightingale
Stanley Road, Harehills LS9 7AX
3out of 4514 ydAcademy sponsor ledNoMixedMore About School
Harehills Primary School
Darfield Road, Harehills LS8 5DQ
3out of 4840 ydCommunity schoolYesMixedMore About School
Ebor Gardens Primary Academy
Ebor Gardens Primary Academy, LS9 7PY
3out of 4858 ydAcademy sponsor ledYesMixedMore About School
Bankside Primary School
Shepherds Lane, LS8 5AW
3out of 4924 ydFoundation schoolYesMixedMore About School


Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
Co-op Academy Leeds
Stoney Rock Lane, LS9 7HD
2out of 4516 ydAcademy sponsor ledNot ApplicableMixedMore About School
Trinity Academy Leeds
Torre Road, Burmantofts
- not rated1,043 ydFree schoolsNoMixedMore About School
Mount St Mary's Catholic High School
Ellerby Road, LS9 8LA
2out of 41,646 ydVoluntary aided schoolNoMixedMore About School
The Ruth Gorse Academy
Black Bull Street, LS10 1HW
4out of 42,182 ydFree schoolsNoMixedMore About School
University Technical College Leeds
2 Sayner Road, Hunslet LS10 1LA
2out of 42,459 ydUniversity technical collegeNoMixedMore About School

16 plus

Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
Leeds College of Building
North Street, LS2 7QT
- not rated1,080 ydFurther educationNot ApplicableMixedMore About School
Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College
St Mark's Avenue, LS2 9BL
- not rated2,267 ydFurther educationNot ApplicableMixedMore About School
Leeds City College
Park Lane, LS3 1AA
- not rated2,782 ydFurther educationNot ApplicableMixedMore About School


Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
Dixons Trinity Chapeltown
Leopold Street, Chapeltown LS7 4AW
- not rated1,006 ydFree schoolsNoMixedMore About School
Roundhay School
Gledhow Lane, Roundhay LS8 1ND
4out of 42,791 ydCommunity schoolNoMixedMore About School
Temple Learning Academy
Neville Road, LS15 0NN
3out of 43,229 ydFree schoolsNoMixedMore About School
Carr Manor Community School, Specialist Sports College
Carr Manor Road, LS17 5DJ
3out of 43,972 ydFoundation schoolNoMixedMore About School

Not applicable

Ofsted Overall EffectivenessDistanceEstablishment TypeHas Nursery ClassesGenderMore Info
Leeds Christian School of Excellence
Reconciliation Centre, Avenue Hill LS8 4EX
- not rated1,333 ydOther independent schoolNoMixedMore About School
Leeds College of Music
3 Quarry Hill, LS2 7PD
- not rated1,404 ydHigher education institutionsNot ApplicableMixedMore About School
Beechtree Steiner Initiative
192a Chapeltown Road, Leeds LS7 4HZ
- not rated1,736 ydOther independent schoolYesMixedMore About School
Adel Beck
Care of: Leeds City Council, Civic Hall LS1 1UR
- not rated2,001 ydSecure unitsNot ApplicableMixedMore About School
Leeds Arts University
Blenheim Walk, LS2 9AQ
- not rated2,132 ydHigher education institutionsNot ApplicableMixedMore About School

School statistics for this postcode are based on Ofsted rankings.

Food and Drink

Restaurants, Cafes, Canteens

Business NameAddressFood hygiene ratingDistance
Deli Cafe (St James Hospital - Chancellor Wing)St James Hospital, Beckett Street105 yd
Costa Coffee (Gledhow Wing)Units 1 And 2 Gledhow Wing, St James Hospital105 yd
Street ShackGledhow Wing, St James Hospital105 yd
Costa CoffeeSt James Hospital, Bexley Wing122 yd
Proper CornishShop Unit 9 Gledhow Wing, St James Hospital163 yd

Pubs, Bars, Nightclubs

Business NameAddressFood hygiene ratingDistance
Fountain Head Inn120 Beckett Street, Burmantofts165 yd
The DahlakStoney Rock Lane, Burmantofts333 yd
Harehills Labour ClubFlorence Street, Harehills589 yd
Harehills Labour Club (Catering)Florence Street, Harehills589 yd
Belul Bar And Cafe1 Pilot Street, Sheepscar629 yd

Takeaway, Sandwich Shops

Business NameAddressFood hygiene ratingDistance
Lockman Fried ChickenUnit 1, Dock Green Court349 yd
Shawarma Express149 - 153 Harehills Road, Harehills402 yd
Crazy Crust139 Harehills Road, Harehills402 yd
Gourmet Fried ChickenUnit 5A, Dolly Lane416 yd
YOH BURGER And DESSERTSUnit 5, Long Close Works453 yd

Supermarkets, Hypermarkets

Business NameAddressFood hygiene ratingDistance
Tesco98 Roundhay Road, Leeds616 yd
Heron Foods101 Lincoln Green Road, Burmantofts618 yd
Roots97 Roundhay Road, Leeds628 yd
Leeds Drinks And SnacksReady Steady Store, 66 - 68 Roseville Road647 yd
Heron Foods318 - 320 Harehills Lane, Harehills803 yd


Facility NameSport ObjectsDistance
Shakespeare Primary School
grass pitches483 yd
Primrose High School (Closed)
Dolly Lane
artificial grass pitch504 yd
The Co-Operative Academy Of Leeds
Stoney Rock Lane
artificial grass pitch, grass pitches508 yd
Peak Fitness Gym (Closed)
Roseville House Roseville House Roseville Road
health and fitness suite571 yd
The Gym Health & Fitness Ltd
health and fitness suite669 yd
Just Fitness (Closed)
Units 3-5 Units 3-5 Harehills Road
health and fitness suite683 yd
Enfield- Leeds City College
artificial grass pitch767 yd
Leeds Thomas Danby Community Sports Centre (Closed)
Roundhay Road
artificial grass pitch, health and fitness suite807 yd
Bodylines Natural Gym
health and fitness suite824 yd
Pure Gym (Leeds Regent Street)
health and fitness suite834 yd

This statistics are based on Active Places Data - Contains Data © Sport England


Technology Aviability

Percentage of premises that have Superfast Broadband(30Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband92.9%
Percentage of premises that have Ultrafast Broadband(100Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband2.4%
Percentage of premises that have Ultrafast Broadband (300Mbit/s or greater) coveragefrom fixed broadband2.4%
Percentage of premises that have coverage from a Gigabit capable service from fixedbroadband0.0%

Speed Aviability

Percentage of premises unable to receive 2Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 5Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 10Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 30Mbit/s4.8%

Broadband statistics are based on Ofcom's Communications Market Report (CMR) 2022.

Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7TF (2024)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Views: 6659

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.