AS A FRIENDLY REMINDER TO ALL VIEWERS: Many people impersonate Julie Green and Julie Green Ministries. Please BE AWARE OF IMPOSTERS when engaging with people on all social media channels.

Julie Green, Julie Green Ministries, and JGM Team Members will never engage with viewers to give advice or ask about personal finances, financial investments, investing or economic predictions, or personal preparedness. We never ask for money, we never give investing advice, and we will never ask people to invest in any opportunity. We never give our cell phone numbers or email addresses in public forums. And we also do not send people unsolicited direct or email messages saying we need to talk to you.

JGM Team Members monitor social media channels for prayer requests, people impersonating Julie and/or JGM, people not conducting themselves in Christlike manners on our channels, etc.

Please go to our website for all official JGM social media channels: https://www.jgminternational.org/

32.3K views16:05


Today’s Scriptures:
Ps. 23:1-6
Luke 10:19
1 Peter 5:8
1 John 4:4
Gal. 3:13-14
Heb. 2:14
Col. 2:15
John 17:16
Eph. 1:1-23
Hos. 4:6
1 John 5:4-5
James 4:7
Gen. 3:15
Mark 4:9
Matt. 11:15
Eph. 6:17
Matt. 12:25
Gen. 1:26, 28
Gal. 5:1
Ps. 115:16
Prov. 23:7
2 Cor. 5:7
1 Sam. 30:1-31
John 10:10
Prov. 6:31
Luke 23:34
Deut. 28:13
John 8:32
You are not to fear.

Your enemies will bring hopelessness and despair, but God will bring you hope, peace, encouragement and through the test and trial.

God's people need to know their authority. Your enemies are not in control.

God has given you all power, authority and dominion.

You need to know your authority in order to resist the devil.

If you believe in Christ, you have already overcome the enemy. Your adversary is underneath your feet.

You need to know your power in this hour.

God's Glory is going to flood the earth-His presence, power and His goodness.

The enemy cannot outsmart God Almighty.

God is:
Jehovah Nissi – The Lord your Banner of Victory
El Elyon- The Most High God
El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible

Authority: the power or right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obedience.

Dominion: sovereignty or control; the power or right of governing or controlling.

Resist: withstand the action or effect of; to fight against or oppose something or someone.

Prophecy mentioned:



My Children, this time you are in is intensifying. Your enemies are turning up the heat, and you will see more and more chaos erupt in many different aspects of your nations and your lives. They are trying to cause what some will call "the summer of chaos."…

33.2K views12:45


Marching Order March 15, 2024

God says:  stay the course

I declare in Jesus’ Name:  God’s light, Glory, presence, power, and goodness are being magnified

Read more here: https://www.jgminternational.org/blog/your-enemies-are-planning-more-darkness-against-you

Copyright © 2024 Julie Green Ministries International

32.9K views15:06


Today’s Scriptures:
Ps. 118:24
Josh. 23:10
Deut. 32:30
Ps. 91:7
2 Sam. 23:8-10
Josh. 1:5-9
Heb. 10:23
Rom. 8:31
Num. 13:30-33
Deut. 30:19
Eph. 6:10-18
Josh. 23:1-16
1 John 4:4
Isa. 54:17

God's ways are always higher. He knows the end from the beginning because He is Alpha and Omega, and He is in YOU!

Get up, stand up, and wear the enemy out with the Word of God.

Your enemy is nothing!

God is showing you that no matter how big your enemies are or how many of them there are, it doesn't matter. God is bigger and He is on your side.

You are a child of Almighty God! God can and will use you.

Marching Order: Keep standing. Keep praying.

You have a part to play in what's going on.

Overtake: catch up with and pass while traveling in the same direction. come suddenly or unexpectedly.

Takeover: to get control of something.

Do not let the Word of God depart from your heart day and night.

Don't let Satan cheat you out of something that is already yours.

Run to your Heavenly Father.

Which report will you believe? God's or the enemy's?

Overtake and takeover by standing on the Word of God and believing the Word of God.

It is time for the enemy's demise. Call down the plans of the enemy.

37.7K views12:53


Today’s Scriptures:
Ps. 118:24
Rom. 1:17
2 Cor. 5:7
Prov. 28:1, 12, 15-16, 28
James 4:7
Luke 10:19
Prov. 29:2, 4
Ps. 81:7-8, 13-14
Micah 7:8
Luke 18:1-8
1 John 5:4-5
Isa. 55:11
Jer. 17:5-7
Col. 2:15
Heb. 2:14
2 Cor. 4:18
Josh. 1:3, 5
Ps. 34:17-19
Isa. 54:17
Ps. 91:7
1 John 4:4
Heb. 10:23
2 Cor. 5:7

God is your victory. He will never fail.

God is revealing truth and hidden things are coming to light.

When God's people are in control, people flourish and celebrate. But when the wicked are in control, people hide.

The enemies are always in fear because they are controlled by the spirit of fear and you have the power to make the enemy run.

Stop hiding and being silent. Shout what God wants you to shout!

As children of the Most High God you need to make your voice heard and not be silent. Shout and say what God wants you to say.

God hears your cries and He will deliver you.

God wants you to listen, obey and walk in His ways.

Marching orders: Focus, stand, fight back, take back, overthrow.

You always need to pray and give God's Words back unto Him.

Do not quit until you see the manifestation of what God wants you to have.

God is the judge over all the Earth. The foundation of His throne is justice.

Be persistent and don't stop.

You need to have a fresh fire and ignite that flame. God has given you that resurrection power.

Do not be afraid. You are a warrior in Christ.

Get into God's Word and speak and declare His Word.

God’s Glory is His presence, power and goodness.

Sanctimonious: making a show of being morally superior to other people.

Sacrilegious: extremely disrespectful towards something considered sacred.

32.8K views13:01


Marching Order March 21, 2024

God says:  Obey My commands

I declare in Jesus’ Name: now is God’s greatest wake-up call to His children

Read more here: https://www.jgminternational.org/blog/the-great-wake-up-call-for-the-united-states

Copyright © 2024 Julie Green Ministries International

29.9K views18:48


Today’s Scriptures:
Jer. 29:11-12
Matt. 12:33-37
Matt. 4:4
Deut. 30:19
Prov. 18:21
Rom. 5:9
Josh. 1:5
Rom. 10:17
John 16:33
Gal. 3:13
Gen. 3:15
John 17:13
Neh. 8:10
1 Pet. 5:8
1 John 4:4
Gal. 6:7
Ps. 75:7
Eph. 6:17
John 8:32
Isa. 54:17
Luke 12:2
Ps. 100:4

Ask God to put a guard over your mouth, so you don't speak things contrary to the Word of God.

Your words need to align with the Word of God.

You have been made righteous by the Blood of Jesus.

Don't put God in a box. If Satan can speak to people every day, why wouldn't God speak the truth even more?

God is working in unprecedented, unusual and unconventional ways.

God is the Great I Am- He is your protector, healer, deliverer.

You have the Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ.

You have the Word of God, so you should know what He says. Study and read them. God's Word is truth.

Don't limit God.

God's light and Glory is shining even greater.

God is doing a new thing in the Body of Christ.

Jehovah Nissi – The Lord your Banner of Victory
El Elyon- The Most High God
El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible

29.5K views13:09


Join us!

June 7-9 in Des Moines, IA, for a Holy Ghost led and inspired weekend!

Bring an attitude of expectancy. Come expecting breakthroughs, miracles, signs, and wonders!

Register now: https://jgminternational.ticketspice.com/holy-ghost-fire-conference-2024

30.5K views15:09


Today’s Scriptures:
Mark 4:35-40
1 John 4:4
Matt. 28:18-20
Gen. 1:26
Luke 10:19
Acts. 3:16
Heb. 2:14
John 10:10
2 Chron. 20:1-13. 15, 17, 20, 22, 24
Num. 13:30-33
2 Cor. 5:7
Heb. 13:8
Num. 11:23
Prov. 23:7
Job 22:28
Isa. 54:17

The enemy wants to bring obstacles in your path to get you frustrated and to give up before you can receive your "there it is”.

You're going to get to the other side of the storm, mountain, test and trials IF you trust God and use your authority God has given to you. He wants you to break out, break forth and break free.

Stop contending and pretending.

You have to know how to use the Word of God and be a child of the Most High. Can't pretend.

Trust in God and His ability. He will show up and deliver you out of everything.

Go to the Lord when you are being attacked by the enemy.

God Can and He Will deliver you.

Have a firm focused foundation on the Father. Keep your eyes on HIm.

Don't be moved by what the enemy is saying or doing.

Read the Word of God daily! Get His discernment and His knowledge.

Praise, worship, and focus on God. Thank Him for your victory. He is Jehovah Nissi – The Lord your Banner of Victory.

Do not give up or give in to your enemies.

You win because God is with you.

30.7K views13:03


Marching Order March 18, 2024

God says: brace for it

I declare in Jesus’ Name: the battle is the Lord's; therefore, I win

Read more here: https://www.jgminternational.org/blog/many-things-will-take-place-before-the-next-election

Copyright © 2024 Julie Green Ministries International

30.2K views18:22


AS A FRIENDLY REMINDER TO ALL VIEWERS: Many people impersonate Julie Green and Julie Green Ministries. Please BE AWARE OF IMPOSTERS when engaging with people on all social media channels.

Julie Green, Julie Green Ministries, and JGM Team Members will never engage with viewers to give advice or ask about personal finances, financial investments, investing or economic predictions, or personal preparedness. We never ask for money, we never give investing advice, and we will never ask people to invest in any opportunity. We never give our cell phone numbers or email addresses in public forums. And we also do not send people unsolicited direct or email messages saying we need to talk to you.

JGM Team Members monitor social media channels for prayer requests, people impersonating Julie and/or JGM, people not conducting themselves in Christlike manners on our channels, etc.

Please go to our website for all official JGM social media channels: https://www.jgminternational.org/

31.8K views19:08


Today’s Scriptures:
Ps. 118:24
Rom. 10:17
Acts 3:19
Neh. 8:10
Joshua 1:8-9
Matt. 11:28
John 8:32
Rom. 12:2
Ex. 14:13-14, 18-20, 30-31
Ex. 15:6
2 Cor. 4:8-9
Gen. 50:20
Prov. 4:20-23
John 17:16-17
Num. 13:30-33
Num. 14:1-45
Hosea 4:6
Phil. 4:7

The Lord is in control- not your enemies.

This is the time to REALLY know God's Word and KNOW Him.

God is your refuge and He is delivering you.

It is important for you to have a personal relationship with the Lord. Get into fellowship with Him.

Personally get to know God. Spend time in your prayer closet.

When you spend time with the Lord you are getting that refreshing, strength, joy, and peace.

Start and end your day with the Word of God.

But God. God has the final say.

It is always God's plan that triumphs over the enemy's plan.

Fear not! God's got the enemy right where He wants him.

God is fighting for you and you're going to win because God wins!

Hold your peace and remain at rest because God is fighting for you.

God does intervene and He does save His people.

Renew your minds with the Word of God.

God is:
El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible
El Elyon- The Most High God

You are not stuck and the enemy does not win.

Do not give up because God is on your side and He has promised you the victory.

You have to believe to receive.

Believe God's report.

Take back what the enemy has stolen. Use your power and authority that has been given to you by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

God's Word is truth and He is speaking through His prophets.

32.4K views13:03


Take time today to say "Thanks!" to your always on-call caregiver, nurturer, cheerleader, advisor, and confidante - your Mother.

"Every wise woman encourages and builds up her family…" Proverbs 14:1

30.1K views12:19

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.