1. Prime Chloroschist - Eorzea Database - Final Fantasy XIV
A crystalline sample cultivated in the exacting environment of Labyrinthos. Under the right conditions, it could become sublime. Reducible: Yes.
The Eorzea Database Prime Chloroschist page.

2. Prime Chloroschist - Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
Jul 24, 2024 · A crystalline sample cultivated in the exacting environment of Labyrinthos. Under the right conditions, it could become sublime.
3. Eorzea Database: Prime Chloroschist - Final Fantasy XIV
Prime Chloroschist . Gathering Lv. 90 Quarrying. Northern Mining Folklore. Data. Required. Perception ≥ 4000. Location. The Northern Empty.
The Eorzea Database Prime Chloroschist page.

4. Prime Chloroschist - FF14 ERIONES XIV
A crystalline sample cultivated in the exacting environment of Labyrinthos. Under the right conditions, it could become sublime. | Reducible: Yes | ...
Prime Chloroschist,ERIONES XIV English is a comprehensive support site capture information production and synthesis recipes, items, Materia, the information collected in the center of Crafter (XIV), a Gatherer online game FINAL FANTASY XIV.

5. Prime Chloroschist - Fanbyte
A crystalline sample cultivated in the exacting environment of Labyrinthos. Under the right conditions, it could become sublime.

6. Sublime Chloroschist - Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
This glorious chunk of chloroschist has gone from prime to sublime through a process you don't understand and aren't going to worry about.
7. Patch 6.4 new gathered mats time and location - Square Enix
May 24, 2023 · Prime/Sublime Chloroschist (4000 perception required) 10:00, Labyrinthos (Aporia) (10.8, 21.2) (Aetherial Reduction gains: Water Crystals ...
3850 perception required >4000 perception --> Boon 30% bonus (random) >3900 gathering --> Yield bonus (random) >900 GP --> Integrity bonus (random) Lovingbloom (BTN) 12:00, Mare (Bestways) (25.7, 20.1) Dark Cherry Log (BTN) 2:00, Labyrinthos (Aporia) (18.1, 35.5)
8. 08:35 PM Eorzea Time - FFXIV Gathering
Prime Chloroschist, 90, --, Labyrinthos (11, 21) (Northern ... Also are there plans for adding Prime Chloroschist and Sublime Chloroschist to Folklore?
A Final Fantasy XIV Gathering Clock for tracking available node locations.
9. About the new Sublime collectables for Aetherial Reduction into ...
Aug 25, 2022 · Prime/Sublime Crystalbloom (BTN) (Prime & Sublime Collectables for Aetherial Reduction) Ultima Thule (Abode of the Ea) 10:00 (27.9, 13.1) Prime ...
Items & Nodes Location: Prime/Sublime Crystalbloom (BTN) (Prime & Sublime Collectables for Aetherial Reduction) Ultima Thule (Abode of the Ea) 10:00 (27.9, 13.1) Prime/Sublime Siderite (MIN) (Prime & Sublime Collectables for Aetherial Reduction) Garlemald (Camp Broken Glass) 12:00 (32.1, 35.0) Details: 3700 Perception is REQUIRED to play this collectable game. Do NOT even bother to engage the node if you do NOT have this perception amount.
10. Endwalker : Glioaether - Eorzea World
Harvesting : Prime Haritaki (Thavnair(29, 26.9)) 00:00-02:00 - 12:00-14:00. Concentrated Igneous Glioaether. Mining : Prime Chloroschist (Labyrinthos(11 ...
List of items with Eorzean time and gather location, as well as the option to activate an alert to know when to gathered.
11. 무정형성 녹색편암 - 타르토맛 타르트 - 파이널판타지14
Prime Chloroschist · 不定性緑色片岩. 석재. 거래 불가. 아이템 레벨 620. 라비린토스 환경에 따라 변성된 녹색편암. 소장품 채집 시에 '승화 녹색편암'으로 승화할 ...
라비린토스 환경에 따라 변성된 녹색편암. 소장품 채집 시에 '승화 녹색편암'으로 승화할 가능성이 있다,