Throwdown at CrossFit 10 {Day 4} - Carrots 'N' Cake (2024)

On Day 4, Mal and I woke up to pouring rain, which might seem like a bummer since we were on vacation in Cabo, but the timing of the inclement weather worked out perfectly”¦

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Because we had a (indoor) throwdown with CrossFit 10 on the agenda!The four-hour throwdown included twelve 2-person teams and four workouts.

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Four workouts?! Yep, but all of them were short (5-8 minutes each) and a couple of them didn’t seem like workouts at all because they were so darn fun. Ty told us she has “workout ADD” (I have it too), so she tries to think “outside of the box” when she’s programming workouts, which definitely showed at the throwdown. We had a great mix of workouts!

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Here’s the Destino crew ready to throw down!

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For the 2-person teams, each of us was matched up with a member from CrossFit 10.

Mal was paired with Arturo.

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And I was paired with Mariela, who was incredibly sweet and an awesome partner. We became instant friends””and now Facebook friends!

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The first workout of the day was by far the hardest for me (and my quads). Listen to this workout”¦

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For 7 minutes, you and your partner squatted “n-sync” for 50 reps with a barbell between the two of you on your shoulders (95 pounds for men, 65 pounds for women).

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Then, you tossed a medicine ball back and forth over your racked barbell to your partner for another 50 reps””of course, making sure you went “below parallel” on each of your squats. (Oooh, baby, feel the burn!) Once you finished the med ball tosses, you started with the barbell squats again and tried to get as many rounds as possible of the two exercises.

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Holy goodness, my quads were smoked after this workout!

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The second workout was the most “out of the box” of the bunch. The goal was to move a load (a bunch of plates) through an obstacle course as fast as possible in five minutes.

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I found this workout especially fun because I had never done anything like it before. I love new challenges, so the“newness” of the workout definitely motivated me.

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I grabbed two or three plates (depending on the weight) at a time and boogied over and under the obstacles as fast as I could.

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Mariela also carried multiple plates at a time, so we managed to move our load from one end of the gym to the other and back again, plus a half dozen plates, all in five minutes.

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Throwdown at CrossFit 10 {Day 4} - Carrots 'N' Cake (16)

We were hauling ass and having a blast a the same time!

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After the second workout, everyone took a quick 20-minute break to rest and refuel. I drank some coconut water and snacked on a pecan & date bar from Whole Me, which came in our swag bags from Destino. It was made from pecans, dates, eggs, almond meal, and coconut oil, and it tasted really good. It was also satisfying, but not too filling, so it was the perfect snack between workouts.

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For workout #3, we had 5 minutes to work up to our heaviest weight for Push Press with our partner. (The guys did strict Presses just so we’d have enough plates for everyone.) After the 5 minutes was up, we did as many Dumbbell Ground-to-Overhead Presses as possible in 3 minutes. Our total score was both people’s heaviest Push Press + the number of Dumbbell Ground-to-Overhead Presses.

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Push Press is not my forte. I have horrible form and push out instead of up, which means I waste a lot of energy. Long story short, I only push pressed 105 pounds and was thankful to have Mariela as a partner.

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She put up 125 pounds and made it look easy! She could have easily kept going if we hadn’t run out of time.

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The final workout of the day was my favorite. It was a five-station relay of exercises (Burpees, sit-ups, kettlebell swings, Skaters, and plate push) that both you and your partner completed as fast a possible. It was basically a sprint through all of the exercises.

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Throwdown at CrossFit 10 {Day 4} - Carrots 'N' Cake (23)

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Plate push = so hard.

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After the first three workouts, Mal and Arturo were only a few points behind the first place team. The final workout would determine the winners of the throwdown, which meant there was some serious competition going on””shirts even came off for the final WOD!

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It was a close relay between the two team, and Mal and Arturo gave it everything they had, but, ultimately, the other team won.

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After the final workout, CrossFit 10 broke out some celebratory beers!

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And then the winners received their golden kettlebell trophies! How fun are these things?

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The winners also received women’s t-shirts as prizes.

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There was a little mix up with the sizes, so the guys had some fun with it! Haha!

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Good times with CrossFit 10!

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After the throwdown, the Destino crew headed back to the hotel and chowed down. We were starving! Bar Esquina put together a fantastic, family-style meal for us. On the menu:

Ceviche with sweet potato, beet, and plantain chips

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Salad with avocado

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Salad with mango

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Grilled sole with papaya salsa and roasted veggies

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Grilled chicken with roasted veggies

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And sorbet for dessert!

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A huge meal after a CrossFit competition was a fabulous way to end the day!

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A huge THANK YOU to CrossFit 10 for hosting us at the throwdown!

One more recap post to come!

Throwdown at CrossFit 10 {Day 4} - Carrots 'N' Cake (2024)
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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.