Vegan French Macarons: Earl Grey & Lemon - Best Vegan Desserts Recipe (2024)

by Aileen Metcalf

I’m always on the lookout for good macaron flavour combinations.

When I was in Pittsburgh last week, I stopped and got three new macarons: white chocolate basil, peach violet, and earl grey. The white chocolate basil was very interesting, but I’m not sure if I need to ever eat one again. Peach violet tasted too artificial, but the earl grey was perfect. I knew that I needed to veganize and recreate it for you.

Certain teas really come out when you bake with them — and earl grey is one of them. Chai is another great tea to use for baking projects. I encourage you to experiment and use organic teas when possible.

For this Vegan French macaron recipe, I put the earl grey in the meringue cookie while I made a lemon buttercream for the filling. If you want your tea leaves very fine, run them through a spice grinder before sifting them. The larger leaves didn’t bother me (and I like the way they look in the finished product), but some people might like a smoother texture.

Out of all of the egg-free and regular macarons I’ve made over the years, this has been one of the best and tastiest recipes. It tastes the most authentic out of my egg-free batches. You will love them!

I don’t plan on going into as much detail as I did in my first vegan macaron post; please read this one first before executing this Vegan French Macarons Earl Grey & Lemon recipe.

I will say this again: macarons are challenging cookies to make if you make them traditionally or with vegan ingredients. If at first, you don’t succeed, try again!

Vegan French Macarons: Earl Grey & Lemon - Best Vegan Desserts Recipe (1)




Prep time



Cooking time






Recipe adapted from my original Chocolate & Amaretto Macarons


  • liquid from one 15 oz can of chickpeas; chickpeas saved for another use

  • 1/2 c. organic cane sugar

  • 1 c. almond flour, like Bob’s Red Mill

  • 1/2 c. vegan powdered sugar

  • 1/8 c. loose early grey tea, about 6-7 tea bags

  • 1 tsp. vanilla infused bourbon, plus more as needed

  • For the icing
  • 2 T. organic non-hydrogenated shortening, like Spectrum

  • 2 1/3 c. vegan powdered sugar2 1/3 c. vegan powdered sugar

  • 1 T. lemon extract, or more vanilla

  • a few T. almond milk, as needed


  • In a small saucepan, bring your chickpea liquid to a boil. When it boils, lower the heat slightly and allow it to simmer/reduce for 10 solid minutes - set a timer! This boiling liquid will smell weird, FYI. You want it to reduce to about 1/3 cup.Vegan French Macarons: Earl Grey & Lemon - Best Vegan Desserts Recipe (2)
  • Transfer the powdery mix to the sifter and sift. Some macaron recipes I’ve used say to sift three times. I only sifted this recipe once. Discard any large chunks that won’t go through the sifter.Vegan French Macarons: Earl Grey & Lemon - Best Vegan Desserts Recipe (3)
  • Measure out your cane sugar. Set it aside.
  • While that’s reducing, combine the almond flour, powdered sugar, and tea leaves in the food processor. Pulse to combine and run it for a minute or two.
  • Once your chickpea liquid has reduced, pour it into your stand mixer bowl and attach your whisk. Turn the mixer on to a medium-high setting (about a 5-6 setting) and whisk for 2 solid minutes - set a timer! The mixture should get frothy and foamy.
  • Add your cane sugar. Beat the mixture on high for 5 minutes - again, set a timer! This is the stage where true magic happens. It’s amazing to watch! When you’re finished, the mixture should look like a meringue with stiff, glossy peaks. After, add your teaspoon of vanilla and beat on high for 1 more minute.
  • When your meringue is done, fold in the sifted mixture in thirds. (Pour one-third in and fold. Repeat.) At this stage, I found that my batter was a little dry. I added another teaspoon or two of vanilla to the batter. You want it to be a thick, firm batter, but you also want it to be a little shiny. Someone likened it to lava flowing slowly down a mountain, but I’m not sure what sense that makes. This is the stage that you just have to get the knack for. This is why macaron-making is challenging!Vegan French Macarons: Earl Grey & Lemon - Best Vegan Desserts Recipe (4)
  • Load the batter into your piping bag with a spatula. Snip a hole, about a half-inch, from the end of the bag. If I hold the bag upright at a 90-degree angle, the batter should drip out slowly, most likely in small blobs. If it’s runny, you have a problem. If it’s stiff and not moving without help, you have a different problem! This takes finesse.
  • Pipe cookies the size of a quarter/half a dollar onto your Silpat mats. One thing I will recommend - doubling your baking sheets. I’ve read this in numerous macaron-making articles. It keeps the bottoms from burning. Repeat piping the batter until you run out of batter - or room.
  • When you’re done piping, smack the cookie sheets on the counter a few times. You want to get the macarons to smooth out and release any air bubbles inside. Whack them - don’t be afraid to hurt them. My macarons started with small peaks, but once I smacked them a few times, the tops became smoother. That’s how you know the batter is good.
  • Allow the macarons to dry on the counter for 45 minutes to 1 hour. They should be dry to the lightest touch - don’t poke them, haha.
  • As the drying time winds down, preheat the oven to 205° F.
  • Bake the macarons for 30 minutes. When the 30 minutes have elapsed, turn the oven off and let the cookies sit in the closed oven for 15 minutes. After those 15 minutes have elapsed, open the oven door and let them cool for another 15 minutes before removing them from the oven.
  • For the icing
  • Combine the ingredients in a medium-sized bowl and use a spatula to combine. If you need a little more liquid to get the icing together, add a little almond milk to the mix, about a tablespoon at a time.Vegan French Macarons: Earl Grey & Lemon - Best Vegan Desserts Recipe (5)
  • Using another piping bag, gently pipe the icing onto one side of a macaron. Grab another macaron and sandwich them together. (I like to call it the reverse Oreo method. You know, when you were a kid and you “unscrewed” the Oreo cookies? Well, twist the macarons to make them go together!) If you have some leftover, save it in the freezer for another use!Vegan French Macarons: Earl Grey & Lemon - Best Vegan Desserts Recipe (6)
  • These Vegan French Macarons are light and fluffy — and taste like a happy tea party! As a side note, I baked these cookies on a rainy day, and humidity does affect them; my feet did not develop as well as they should have. They still taste amazing, though! Enjoy:-)

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Vegan French Macarons: Earl Grey & Lemon - Best Vegan Desserts Recipe (7)

About Aileen Metcalf

Welcome to Morsels & Moonshine!
I’ve always had a fondness for dessert and for animals. Why not combine them? On this site, I hope to merge my passion for baking using whole foods and natural ingredients, with my goal of using fewer animal-based products.

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Vegan French Macarons: Earl Grey & Lemon - Best Vegan Desserts Recipe (2024)


What are the biggest mistakes when making macarons? ›

13 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Making Macarons
  • Undermixing or overmixing your batter. ...
  • Making the wrong type of meringue. ...
  • Not sifting your sugar and flour. ...
  • Not tapping the pan. ...
  • Not resting the macarons before baking. ...
  • Substituting another flour for almond flour. ...
  • Baking them at too high temperatures.
Mar 3, 2024

Why are my vegan macarons lopsided? ›

Uneven heat in the oven.

Fix: First, it can be beneficial to have more than one oven thermometer, in order to find out if your oven has any hot spots. Secondly, it's important to rotate your trays about 5 minutes into baking if your macarons are turning out lopsided.

Why are my vegan macarons hollow? ›

Low oven temperature can cause hollow macarons, because the inside of the shells isn't having a chance to bake enough, so it's not drying, which will cause the shells to be hollow. Experiment with higher temperatures if you are staying on the low side, specially if your temperatures are below 300 Fahrenheit.

What is the difference between macarons and French macarons? ›

French macarons are softer with chewy shells and more subtly sweet taste, giving you more of that distinct almond flavour. Whereas Italian macarons are more crisp, even powdery at times and have a more pronounced sweet taste. A trained eye may even be able to tell the difference simply by looking at them.

What makes macarons so expensive? ›

The filling is usually made from premium and thus expensive ingredients such as chocolate, fruit, nuts, cream, and butter. Hand-crafted fillings can also be labour-intensive and require meticulous attention to detail. One of the most famous macaron fillings is caramel, known for its challenging cooking process.

What is the best flour for macarons? ›

Ingredients. Almond flour. A must in this (and any) French macaron recipe (and a key ingredient in my Linzer cookies), I recommend a “super fine”, blanched almond flour. As the name suggests, it's very fine and yields smooth, bump-free macaron tops.

What is the hardest part about making macarons? ›

Macarons are notoriously finicky. Beat your egg whites too little or too much and you're left with flat macarons. Fold in your powdered sugar and almond flour a few too many times and the tops crack. Even a rainy day (something completely out of your control) can ruin them.

Why did my macarons explode? ›

Hot oven may also cause flat and crispy shells to happen, as the hot oven will explode the macarons, causing them to lose all air and deflate.

Why did my vegan meringue collapse? ›

The greatest point of failure when making vegan meringues is whipping, or actually not whipping the aquafaba enough. You should get to really stiff peaks. So if you are in doubt, whip a couple of minutes longer.

Why do my macarons have no bottom? ›

If your macarons don't develop feet, it could be because your batter is too wet, your batter was over-mixed or you didn't let your macarons rest for long enough.

What are eggless macarons made of? ›

The most awaited recipe is FINALLY here! These eggless macarons are made with aquafaba (or water left after boiling chickpeas).

What are macarons usually made of? ›

A macaron is a meringue-based sandwich cookie made with almond flour, egg whites, confectioners' sugar, and food coloring. Common fillings include buttercream, ganache, and fruit-based jam.

What is a substitute for egg whites in macarons? ›

Aquafaba, or the liquid that comes in a can of chickpeas, is a great substitute for egg whites when whipped. To try it, strain the chickpea liquid into a mixer and beat it into a fluff that you can use to make everything from mayo to macarons to gluten-free raspberry lemon pavlova.

Are French macarons dairy free? ›

In short, Yes Traditional macarons are gluten free, but not necessarily dairy free. But beware! Even if traditional French bakeries like Pastreez stick to the authentic recipe, most bakers in the US don't. You might be surprised with what you find in recipes sometimes.

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.